Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So it's over....a refelction on the class...

Overall, I really enjoyed Professor Maruca's class on media in the eighteenth century. Even though I was very resistant and pessimistic about the class in the beginning, I feel I learned a lot and not only filled in a huge gap in my literary knowledge base, but I also enjoyed the books and topics we discussed. One could even say that I enjoy and have a greater appreciation for British literature than I did when I started the class this winter, pissed off that I had to take it in the first place. I wish we would have had more time to indulge in topics and really explore the function of these different forms at this time, but I guess now I have a good base and starting point to indulge in these topics in the future.

And even though I HATED the idea of having to blog in the begining of the semester, this ended up being a really enjoyable way to express ideas while incorporating the ideals of modern media to parallel 18th Century media and the newness of it.

Thanks Professor Maruca!


  1. Obviously, the blogging did not work out so well for me. Truthfully I should NOT have signed up for 3 lit classes in one semester. But having been in a class with a great professor and another self-proclaimed foreigner (for lack of a better or nicer word) to English Literature, I'm glad to have had another class with you. Good luck with your graduate work!

  2. Thanks Alex! I hope you do well too and pursue your law goals successfully!
